Tetra Lounge: Denver’s Premier Members Only Cannabis Lounge & Garden!

“Feature by Scott Edward McDowell”

Tetra lounge represents the first of it’s the kind of venue that offers consumers in the cannabis community a safe and legal place to learn and experience cannabis. Since opening in early 2018 Tetra has become the premium members only cannabis lounge in Denver with both inside and outdoor space. My 420 Tours has been using Tetra lounge as a meetup location for their River North Arts District walking tours. Membership is available for the day, week and even an amazing monthly all-access pass that gets members into special events outside of the regular programming. Tetra lounge has themed nights that include Tuesday night karaoke, game nights on Wednesdays and the ever-popular Thursday ladies night w/ live music! Throughout the weekend Tetra has an open format schedule where you can come as you are and BYOC (bring your own cannabis) and enjoy the social atmosphere with like-minded cannabis enthusiast.

I had the chance to chat with Dwayne Benjamin a cannabis industry veteran who is the founder of Tetera lounge. Dwayne started the MMJ showcase which is Colorado’s longest weekly running cannabis event! He has also worked with countless cannabis brands throughout his career handling marketing and branding. Check out the quick 4&OUT segment below with Mr. Benjamin.

SEM: What is an unusual habit or absurd thing you love?
DB: Canned Oysters.
SEM: In the last 5 years what have you become better at saying no to?
DB: Everything.
SEM: What purchase over the last 6 months of $100 or less has had a major impact on your life?
DB: My phone case.
SEM: If you had a billboard what would it say about you and why?
Be your love and love your life!

Memberships: www.TetraLounge.com

My 420 Tours: www.My420Tours.com

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