Warren Wilhelm, or popularly known as Bill de Blasio, is the New York’s City’s 109th Mayor. He was born in Manhattan in the year 1961 on May 8 and lived his life in Cambridge, MA. When he was five years old, his family moves at the place of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Maria Wilhelm, his mother, is a public relations manager and Warren Wilhelm Sr., his father worked as a veteran in World War II and served at the Pacific theatre where it happened to have a grenade attack, and his father lost a leg. After that, his father became an alcoholic person and ended up killing his own life or suicide. In 1984, he graduated at New York University where he earned his master’s degree in international and public affairs and 1987, and he graduated at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.
In 1989 he started as a public servant in the Dinkins Administration where he became part of the historical and successful campaign for being a mayor in the city. After many years, Mayor Bill de Blasio worked for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as a regional director, he also experienced to work in Brooklyn School District 15 as the board member of the school and in 2000, and he led the historic campaign for the U.S. Senate of Mr. Hillary Rodham Clinton. After that, Mayor Bill de Blasio associated his self and served as a Council of New York City, and he is the council to represent the 39th district of Brooklyn. In his two terms, he had improved the public education system, expand and create affordable housing, for families and children, he had reformed their social services, and he created rights for tenants. In 2009, Bill de Blasio was elected as Public Advocate and continued to serve and bring fairness for taxpayers, students, and tenants.
In the year 2013, January Bill de Blasio told outside his home that he would run as a mayor for New York City. He was underestimated primarily by the Democratic Party still he secured the votes in the nomination that he will earn 40 percent of it. William Thompson, who is the former comptroller of the city and got the second rank had earned 14 points of the votes. But again he was underestimated by the other competitors, but he never gave up, through his campaign he got traction and people see him as a change for Michael Bloomberg who is dependent in 12 years and will lead the city for the better. He began his administration in 2014 and made sure that he will ensure New York City as a place for every people in the world. In 1994, he married the lady who has captivated his heart and became the New York City’s First Lady, Chirlane McCray. They have their kids named Dante and Chiara, they love and as well as take good care of them.
When Bill de Blasio was appointed on the office, his administration has created and implemented transformative initiatives such as Paid Sick Leave, IDNYC, neighborhood policing, Pre-K for All and the largest and affordable most ambitious housing plan in New York City, the Housing New York. When Bill de Blasio’s second term as Mayor begins, communities and police work together and make the crimes at its lower number. There is a higher number of graduate students because all over the city, students have earned high test scores. Then the economy of the city has come to a five-borough and made the record of the person who has jobs. Mr. de Blasio’s administration as Mayor made New York City preserve and build affordable apartment which was not have seen in the past years. He also led the commitment of the city in 2050 to reduce 80 percent of the greenhouse emissions
Bill de Blasio pledges to make New York City the fairest known and big city in the state of America. That pledge includes reducing the number of crime rates, and neighborhood policy should be deepened through an additional 3 – K for the educational system, to create jobs that will pay well by 100,00 and to increase the affordable but original housing goals in New York City. He will work tirelessly to achieve those promises. Furthermore, he continues to speak as a progressive voice about issues that will improve the lives of people in New York City. It includes voting rights, immigration reform, inequality, education for early childhood and infrastructure. Mayor de Blasio is an active public servant through his life and political career and has basic fairness on the issue of every person in New York City.
Initially, Mayor Bill de Blasio was opposed to the legalization of marijuana. He attempted to lessen the arrests of persons who are related to using cannabis in the city. But changing the policy had never achieved its desired outcome to lessen the disparities for the enforcement of marijuana. In 2018, when Governor Andrew Cuomo had reversed his opposition for a long time, after a few days, Mayor Bill de Blasio had come to support the legalization of marijuana. When he seated as a mayor, he instructs the Department of New York Police to summon the person who will be caught in using less or about 25 grams of marijuana or cannabis to arrest them, but they will be given a certain exception. This kind of policy has started to use in the year 2014, November.
What will happen to marijuana if Mayor Bill de Blasio wins in the Presidential Election?
For the past few years, Mayor Bill de Blasio had been undergone an evolution that is significant on his stance and views about the marijuana policy. If he will win in the 2020 presidential election, he said to support, and he will not oppose in the legalization of marijuana and the reform of broad federal. Furthermore, some speculations abound whether his evolution in the anti-prohibition is relative to either political or earnest to light his next shift together with other politicians. These raises questions to how Mayor Bill de Blasio from his Oval Office will prioritize the reform for the policy on drugs.